Thursday 11 December 2014

bshell options and environmentsettings for Baan

1. Options from the bshell6.x (ntbshell.exe on NT)
   (can also be set with "-- [options] [program...]"
   in the Option Dialog window in bw or BECS)
   (*) = documented in bshell6.2

-appendlog : append to logfile (only useful with -logfile option)
-ba : connect with ba display server
-bx : connect with bx display server
-deftext : show bshell texts
-dbgbdbact : show the Baan database activities initiated from the bshell
-dbgcpu : use debug version of the cpu
-dbgdata : show datainput options (not for fields!)
-dbgenums : show loading of enums
-dbgfdev : debug file access
-dbgfile : show successfully opened sequential files
-dbgflow : show program flow (6.1c.06.03+)
-dbgfun : debug functions
-dbggpvar : debug get & putvar
-dbginstr : show bshell cpu instructions
-dbgjvmi : show JavaVM integration actions
-dbglck : show locking errors
-dbglts : debug Language Translation Support (LTS) X=dump, B=RDD, F=component
-dbgmem : show all memory statistics (see below)
-dbgmemblk : show memory usage per block
-dbgmemfree : show free memory list
-dbgmemtot : show total memory usage
-dbgmemused : show used memory list
-dbgmesg : stop debugger when warning message is sent to the display server (*)
-dbgmulact : show process actions (activate,sleep,kill etc.)
-dbgobj : show object information
-dbgorb : debug ORB (Object Request Broker) integration (where available)
-dbgpty : debug pseudo terminals pty
-dbgref : show reference paths
-dbgrefer : show references
-dbgres : show loaded resources
-dbgsched : debug scheduler
-dbgsrdduse : show srdd usage
-dbgsrv : show bdb server type
-dbgstack : dump 3GL stack traces on function entry
-dbgtss : Show TSS-diagnostics and go to debugger on TSS-error
-deftext : show bshell texts
-delay : delay for seconds before continuing (useful for attaching with a debugger: set breakpoint at the function 'delay_ready')
-dsunicode : communicate with the display driver using Unicode strings (*)
-keeplog : don't remove the logfile after ending the bshell
-logfile : log stdout/stderr output in
-logtag <tag> : used together with -logfile. The <tag> is used in the logfile and is especially useful when logging from multiple bshells (*)
-logtime : add time stamps to bshell log output (combine with -dbgmulact)
-mdebug : display bshell messages sent to display server
-nodebug : disable debugger.
-nolog : stdout and stderr will go to the controlling terminal (if possible - on remote connection no output will appear)
-nounicode : don't read unicode files $BSE/lib/unicode/*.(N2U|U2N). (*)
-r : show resources
-server : run as a server without UI
-set var=val : set environment variable 'var' to 'val' (see below)
-vV : show program version
-windownames : pass unique window names to user interface for testtools (*)

1.1 Unknown options
-text "vi %s" vi +%d %s

2. With the option "-- -set var=val" you can also pass other
   environment setting to the bshell (and underlaying processes)
   that have a special meaning.

Tracing and Logging:
2.1 "-- -set TT_SQL_TRACE=value (or added values)" Logging
    information from the Baan database driver. Maximum value = 0277367
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000001 Parse Query Strings and show information
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000002 Show RDD usage of Query
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000004 Final Dump info queries
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000020 Database Actions ("Operand" "Operator")
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000040 Show queries wih their QID
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000100 Mode of query
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0000200 Show query exec. times
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0001000 Show table dependencies (matrices)
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0002000 Show calls of internal SQL functions
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0004000 Show query eval. plan (client+server)
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0010000 Show quey ev. plan (server)
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0020000 Show all full table scans
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0040000 Database Action Messages
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0200000 Query Distribution Plan
-set TT_SQL_TRACE=0400000 Show current time to level of milliseconds

2.2 "-- -set BDB_DEBUG=value (or added values)" Sets debugging
    link between client and server
-set BDB_DEBUG=0001 Server information
-set BDB_DEBUG=0002 Communication between Server and Client
-set BDB_DEBUG=0004 Show information on currently set locks
-set BDB_DEBUG=0010 Show references between tables
-set BDB_DEBUG=0040 Show all tables using native storage format
-set BDB_DEBUG=0100 Permissions

2.3 "-- -set DBSLOG=value (or added values)" Logging information
    from the online processing of the database driver.
-set DBSLOG=0000001 Data dictionary info of tables
-set DBSLOG=0000002 Query info (SQL level 1)
-set DBSLOG=0000004 Query info (SQL level 2)
-set DBSLOG=0000010 Row action info
-set DBSLOG=0000020 Table action info
-set DBSLOG=0000040 Transaction info
-set DBSLOG=0000100 DBMS input/output data (SQL level 2)
-set DBSLOG=0000200 Admin file info (SQL drivers)
-set DBSLOG=0000400 DBMS SQL statements
-set DBSLOG=0001000 General debug statements
-set DBSLOG=0002000 Query processing info
-set DBSLOG=0004000 Data buffering info (communication)

2.4 "-- -set BLAT=option (may be added and combined)" starts
    Binary Logging And Tracing, spawning the whole range
    from bshell to the database driver (6.1c.06.03+/7.1c.02+)
-set BLAT="off"
-set BLAT="default" default is "t0 s1 t1 s1 t2 s0 t3 s0 th 5 t4 s011 th 5"
-set BLAT="logfile ""<path_and_filename>""" redirects  output to filename (defaults to $BSE/tmp/blat.log)
t0 = proc
-set BLAT="proc s 00" no logging of Baan processes and their hyerarchy
-set BLAT="proc s 01" logging Baan processes and their hyerarchy
t1 = sess
-set BLAT="sess s 000" no logging lifetime of Baan sessions and propagation
-set BLAT="sess s 001" ... on 3GL/BDB level (client)
-set BLAT="sess s 002" ... on DBS level (database driver)
-set BLAT="sess s 004" ... on DBDL level (database driver/RDBMS integration)
-set BLAT="sess s 010" ... on DBS level (audit driver)
t2 = retry
-set BLAT="retry s 00" no logging of handling retry.points
-set BLAT="retry s 01" logging of handling retry.points
t3 = trans
-set BLAT="trans s 000" (commit and abort) transaction related logging off
-set BLAT="trans s 001" ... on 3GL/BDB level (client)
-set BLAT="trans s 002" ... on DBS level (database driver)
-set BLAT="trans s 004" ... on DBDL level (database driver/RDBMS integration)
-set BLAT="trans s 010" ... on DBS level (audit driver)
-set BLAT="trans th value" ... allows logging with threshold value [seconds]
t4 = sql
-set BLAT="sql s 000000" no logging of handling queries
-set BLAT="sql s 000001" ... 3GL/BDB level: Log aggregated information
-set BLAT="sql s 000002" ... 3GL/BDB level: Log all actions
-set BLAT="sql s 000010" ... 3GL/BDB level: Log BaanSQL text
-set BLAT="sql s 000020" ... 3GL/BDB level: Log bind variables
-set BLAT="sql s 000040" ... 3GL/BDB level: Log selected data
-set BLAT="sql s 000100" ... DBdriver Level2: Log aggregated information
-set BLAT="sql s 000200" ... DBdriver Level2: Log all actions
-set BLAT="sql s 001000" ... DBdriver Level2: Log BaanSQL text
-set BLAT="sql s 002000" ... DBdriver Level2: Log bind variables
-set BLAT="sql s 004000" ... DBdriver Level2: Log selected data
-set BLAT="sql s 010000" ... DBdriver Level1: Log aggregated information
-set BLAT="sql th value" ... allows logging with threshold value [seconds]

Note: Processing of the loggings is supposed to be done by using tools. See $BSE/api/blat (and Perl module
Note2: Instead of spaces as (the default) separator an alternative (set by BLATSEP) can be used to make it possible to have one argument on the environment variable assignment. -set BLATSEP=_
Note3: Not all options are implemented yet
Note4: the value of the threshold will allow only values that exceed the threshold value to be logged, may also be "off" or "default".
Note5: bls6.x converts BLAT logfiles to readable format: open source example included
Note6: btop6.x reads the top <n> queries from the BLAT logfiles (logged with "sql s 011" option).

2.5 "-- -set BAAN_ART_TRACE=[0|1|5]" Set this variable to debug
    the ARTM code in the application scripts.
-set BAAN_ART_TRACE=0 Tracing disabled.
-set BAAN_ART_TRACE=1 Basic tracing. Transactions are shown.
-set BAAN_ART_TRACE=5 The trace information is send to the file $BSE/tmp/

Common BShell environment settings
2.6 Several common settings that influence the user environment overrule user settings in RDD

-set BAAN_WIN_TITLE=string_value sets a caption for the menu browser other than the default, can be composed with:
    %C Company Name
    %c Company Number
    %h Host Name
    %p Package Combination
    %s Session Code
    %S Session Name
    %u Userid
-set BSE_COMPNR=company to login into specific company, note package combination must match or no difference with current package combination
-set BSE_LANG=value to change language (1=Dutch, 2=English, 3=French, 4=German etc.)
-set BSE_TMP=temporary folder to use a temporary folder other than $BSE/tmp
-set COMP_NR=company same as BSE_COMPNR
-set DS_AS=bshell_name [for ba6.1 only, to specify a specific bshell name from ipc_info] : like setting Bshell Name in bw
-set DS_MAX_WAIT=value the timeout duration [seconds] in which BW has to respond to the sync message, and override the default of 30 seconds
-set DS_TIMEOUT_DETECT=value the timeout duration [minutes] before the bshell starts sending a sync message to BW
-set PACKAGE_COMB=package combination to login into specific package combination
-set SESSION_TIMEOUT=value the number of minutes the bshell can be inactive before it terminates itself, when the timeout is triggered a message is sent to the UI and the bshells stops
-set SUPPRESS_WINHELP=1 if you choose help the baan help appears instead of the windows version of the baan help
-set UI=ascii allows to run bw with an ASCII interface
-set USE_SHM_INFO=value enables or disables shared memory use (*)
-set USER=baan_user to login using a different user (use the same system login with several Baan logins)
-set USR_DBC_RES=file specifies alternative resource file for client to read after the file $BSE/lib/defaults/all is read. Allows to overrule settings in the all file with setting a different value in the specified file

BShell environment settings for specific tasks and applications
2.7 Settings for programmers and other specific tasks
-set AUDIT_FILE_PATH=folder set the location of the audit files
-set BAAN_SCM_GRP=value sets your checkout directory so more everyone that uses the same group can see your changes.
-set BDB_DRIVER=value Sets database specifications
-set BDB_MAX_SERVERS_=value Defines the mechanism for schedule SCHEDULE closing idle server sessions
-set BDB_MAX_SESSION_=value defines mechanism for closing schedule SCHEDULE idle driver sessions
-set BDB_MAX_SESSIONS=value defines number of sessions per driver
-set CUNO_SRC=1 allows for exporting sources (used by Baan PEG with SMT)
-set DBSLOG_LOCK_PROF Specifies lock time above which locks are logged (*)
-set DBSLOG_LOGNAME=file Allows file name to be specified for logging (*)
-set ENABLE_REFMSG=value causes logging of denied update or delete actions (*)
-set LOCK_RETRY=n defines the number of lock retries and the sleep period between retries
-set MAX_RETRY=n the system may return n times to a retry point in case of an abort in an update action, default=10
-set RDS_FULL=value to define max. nr. rows transfered between client and server as one block (good for imports/exports)
-set SSTS_SET_ROWS=value Sets number of rows read ahead (single table single row)
-set TEST_RETRY=n each retry point is triggered n times

dbsinit specifies optimistic or pessimistic reference checking and some MultiByte settings
inf_use_prepare_cache:0 in $BSE/lib/defaults/db_resource turn off the Prepare Statement Cache
-set USR_DBS_RES=file Specifies alternative resource file for server

BShell environment settings that I do not know :-)
2.7 Some unknow variables
-set BMASK=02
-set CORE=
-set LINES=

Output can be generated when having portingset 6.1c.07.03, 7.1d03, 7.3a.04 or
higher by setting in the BECS:

-- -set PROFILE_ALL=1 -set PROF_DIR=/home/bsp

Hereby the most important parameters:
PROFILE_ALL. Setting this parameter to 1 starts profiling for all objects.
PROF_DIR. Redirects the output file to the specified directory. Else it will be placed in BSE_TMP.
PROF_RTIME. When set to 1 to get also a section sorted on wall clock time (real time) will be added.
There are more options, and options will be extended in the near future. This is just a start...

To set in FIN and LOG company in BECs using set command
-set BSE_LOG_COMPNR=785 -set BSE_FIN_COMPNR=785 (>= Tools 7.3a, see solution 141113)

How to print Logos in Baan Reports?

Using Images (for example logos) in BaaN reports:
To say briefly:
  1. Create a font that contains these image files and use that font in the report so that these image files can be used on the report.
How to create a font:

Download font creator trial version by searching in Google. Install that and using font creator, create a font family (just by clicking new and giving a name).

Now this is like any other font family we use, like Times New Roman, Arial etc. Now we can link an image for every alphabet in that font family so that the corresponding image of that alphabet is used where ever this font is used. For example if we use some of the fonts like ---- etc, if we type some word, we don’t see any characters printed there, instead we see some images (some symbols like alpha, beta etc). This is because those images are linked to those characters in that font family. Similarly for example we have created a new font family (as described above) with name “Logo” and linked different logos to different characters, for example logo1 for A, logo2 for B, logo3 for C (by right clicking on those characters of the font family and choosing “import image” and then by clicking Load we can browse through and select the image and then by clicking Generate option we can get a font file generated for that image, here we can also adjust the image size so that the imported image is properly shown). And the font we created above is of type True Type. Now place this font file in C:\WINDOWS\Fonts directory so that this font can be used.

Relevant screen shots:

How to use it in report:

Declare a variable (for example the variable “logo.print”) with domain tcmcs.str1 in the report script. And assign “A” (i.e. for what ever character the image is linked) for this in before.program. In the report editor, create form field using the variable we declared in the script i.e. logo.print. And while defining this form field, in the fourth tab we can see font properties of that form field in the report. There we can see 16 user fonts which we can use in the reports. Suppose we selected user font 16. And then while printing the report for the first time, choose a device of type windows printer and check preview check box. And when the report is shown as a preview, right click on the form field we created above and link the font to the font we created above (and set the size as 36 or 48 or 72 depending upon the space allocated in the report) and save. If this is done and saved for once, the same font will be used there after. So, now this font is also available for us (apart from default fonts we have) to use in the reports. And since we gave the value of the variable as “A” (for which logo1 is linked in the font we created), logo1 is printed on our report. If we try to see the report using a device of type screen, the logo will not be shown on the screen. But if we use a device of type Windows printer, we can observe the logo on printed paper (or in preview if we select). So in this way we can in fact use so many images by linking them to different characters in the font we created. And if this font is completely filled we can define another font which there after we can link to another user font. So practically we can use that many images we want to use. 

Wednesday 10 December 2014

What’s the full form of LN?

Infor has 2 different ERPs- LN and LX.
-LN means Line Baan
-LX means Line Bpix
Because both started with a B they could not make it LB, so hence the last letter is taken.