Sunday 15 May 2016

Important DLLs in ERP LN (List is prepared referring LN 10.3)

tccomdll0350 Date and Time

tccomdll0000 General and Parameter Functions
tcmcsdll0095 Read/Write Parameters
tcmcsdll0005 Read Company Data

tccomdll0012 Shared and Switch to Company Functions.

tcmcsdll0002 Currencies
tcmcsdll0006 Decode Amounts

tcmcsdll0012 Compare double
tcmcsdll0010 Calculate and Round Amounts
tccomdll0001 Round Values
tccomdll0007 Round quantity with given domain and unit rounding
tccomdll9001 Min/max values of numeric var with a given domain

tccomdll0010 Report Handling
tccomdll0070 File Handling

tcemmdll5000 Home Currency functions
tcemmdll5010 Multi Currency Operations
tcemmdll5015 Multi Currency Operations (only for tf)

tfglddll5005 DLL for Table tfgld005(Periods)

tgbrg0005 Text functions