Sunday 22 November 2015

About $BSE\lib and $BSE\bin folders in $BSE

What does $BSE\lib contain?
1.       ipc_info contains the bshell name. If you change the bshell name here then you will have to change the bshell name on the BECS configuration file as well. So whenever you want to restrict your users from accessing the LN System try plating with the bshell name.
2.       TIME.HIS  is a file that maintains the details about which sessions are accessed by which users and for what time period. This logging can be enabled from session - ttams1110m000. Access “Print User History Session(ttaad2402m000)” to read this log.
3.       datecurr contains the date and currency format codes and their respective formats.
4.       sensitivity_reports, sensitivity_sessions and sensitivity_tables are also present here.
5.       Definition files related to Audit Management are also maintained here.

What does $BSE\bin contain?
1.       Startjob.bat to start jobs in automatic mode. So when ever you want to run a job from "Windows Command Prompt" you will need this utility.

2.       Application exes like ntbshellbic_info, audit_srv, tssinfo, bdbreconfig, etc. are also present in this folder.

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