Tuesday 29 September 2015

Integration Transaction

A financial transaction that is generated through LN packages other than Financials. For each logistic transaction that must be reflected in Financials, LN generates an integration transaction, for example, Purchase/Receipt, Production/WIP Transfer, and Project/Costs of Goods Sold. LN posts the integration transaction to the ledger accounts and dimensions defined in the integration mapping scheme.

Inventory Transaction ID
The ID code generated for the current inventory transaction. Every transaction in LN will have an Inventory Transaction ID associated with it.

Search for the ‘Inventory Transaction ID’ in Financials -> General Ledger-> Integration Transactions-> Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) to get the “Integration Document Type” for the ‘Inventory Transaction ID’ under consideration.

For Example, In session “Inventory Receipt Transactions- whina1512m000” you can find the ‘Inventory Transaction ID’ generated during receipt of the Purchase Order. And then open “Inventory Integration Transactions- whina1524m000” to search for the “Integration Transaction” and “Integration Document Type” for the ‘Inventory Transaction ID’ under consideration.

Financials -> Integration Transactions-> Integration Document Type (tfgld4557m000)
It’s a combination of <origin> & <Transaction>.
Eg. 10014052 - Production Order/ Issue
Represents a type of Operations Management transaction for the purpose of mapping and posting the integration transactions to Financials and for financial reconciliation.
The integration document types supplied by LN each have the corresponding business object attached to them. For example, the integration document types for the various sales order transactions have Sales Order business Object linked to them. The business object represents the transaction origin of the integration document type.
Specific option -> Elements by Integration Document Type (tfgld4558m000) can be used to view the available mapping elements for an integration document type. The Debit Ledger Mapping Applicable and the Credit Ledger Mapping Applicable check boxes indicate whether the mapping element can be used for debit mapping or credit mapping. Element that determines which ledger account will be debited/credited.

Financials -> Integration Transactions-> Mapping Scheme (tfgld4573m000)
Use this session to view, enter and maintain the details of a mapping scheme version. Only one mapping scheme version can be Active at a time.
Integration Mapping Scheme, can be defined as a scheme that defines the ledger accounts and dimensions to which the integration transactions are posted.

Specific option -> Mapping by Element Group (tfgld4667m000)
Use this session to maintain ledger mappings and dimension mappings by element group. Depending on how you started the current session, this session's sole tab shows data from either of these sessions: Dimension Mapping (tfgld4571m000) or Ledger Mapping (tfgld4569m000)

You can define condition based on which LN will decide which Ledger Account should be debited or credited. E.g. Based on Warehouse in which Adjustment is done, debit/credit a different Ledger.

There are 4 sub-sessions to this session:
1.     Mapping Scheme Details- Detailed mapping of IDT to a ledger based on Element.
E.g. Based on Warehouse we can split the entries to different ledger on IDT say “Production Order/Issue”.
2.     Document Numbering/Compression- IDT to Transaction Type mapping is done here. Only Journal Voucher transaction types can be selected at this level. 1 Transaction type can be linked to all the IDTs. But if that is done then tracking the document number to IDT relation will become difficult.
3.     Default Accounts- Simple mapping between IDT to Ledger is specified here.  

4.     Errors and Warnings- Errors and warnings can be seen here. These are generated when we do “Check Mapping Scheme”.

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